“Play is the highest
form of research.”
—Albert Einstein
What We Do
Learn and Grow Child Care is proud to be a Reggio-inspired learning center. The Reggio Emilia approach views young children as individuals who are curious about their world. Our trained teachers employ Reggio strategies that encourage self-expression, communication, logical thinking, and problem-solving. The Reggio philosophy is supported by our use of the HIGHSCOPE© curriculum in which children engage in purposeful play that encourages thinking, planning and doing.
The High Scope curriculum promotes a child’s learning as he or she gains knowledge and skills to succeed.
The cornerstone of the High Scope curriculum is that children are active participants in their learning. Young children explore, ask, and search for answers on things they are curious about.
The teachers act as support systems for each child. They observe, listen, and ask appropriate questions to support each child where they are developmentally.
To show your child’s place in their development, High Scope uses Key Developmental Indicators (KDIs) which are aligned with NY State Prekindergarten Learning Standards. Each KDI identifies an observable behavior that reflects a specific set of knowledge or skills in one of the content areas for the Sprouts, with some modifications for the Seedlings. The broad content areas include: Approaches to Learning, Social/Emotional Development, Physical Development and Health, Language/Literacy and Communication, Math, Creative Arts, Science and Technology, and Social Studies.
As your child’s teachers engage with the class, we are always looking for ways to assist your child as he or she moves along their own course of development.
Below are examples of the children engaging with the curriculum’s content as identified in the KDIs. Each child’s behavior reflects developing cognitive, emotional, social, and physical abilities.
In our warm and nurturing environment, your child will achieve his or her fullest potential.
Learn and Grow also follows guidelines set forth by the NAEYC. Children also participate in specials that include movement, literacy, art, music, language, yoga and cooking.
The HighScope Curriculum At Work

A Sprout draws a picture of the airplane he took to Italy.
KDI 6: Children reflect on their experiences.

Children work together to complete a puzzle.
KDI 13: Children engage in cooperative play.

The Seedlings participate in The Wheels On The Bus.
KDI 16: Children demonstrate strength, flexibility, balance, and timing in using their large muscles.

Children go shopping with a grocery list.
KDI 27: Children demonstrate knowledge about environmental print.

A Seedling stamps triangles in his Halloween book.
KDI 34: Children identify, name, and describe shapes.

A Sprout joyfully has a try with the Goblet Drum.
KDI 41: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through music.

The Sprouts use water on rocks to test evaporation.
KDI 47: Children experiment to test their ideas.

The Seedlings use picture cues of centers to help them plan their play.
KDI 55: Children participate in making classroom decisions.